Sunday, December 2, 2012

25 Days of Thankfulness: Day 1. Go Big!

It seems nostalgia and thankfulness get me into the Holiday mood. And I like to remind myself to be thankful as often as possible. Sorry, I don't know how exactly to tell you how to incorporate that into your life, but I will tell you generally how I have developed it in mine so that hopefully you will get some ideas.

Usually it begins with a moment. So many people have lost the ability to take a breath and Contemplate the moment they are in. It is easiest to start doing when you are in a moment of awe, I have found. So I guess that would be tip #1. Start Big. :) When you see something that puts you in awe, you automatically stop to contemplate and appreciate. The mountains in Yosemite, the ocean, a new baby, the person you love sleeping beside you, all of those things can automatically make you take pause. That's the moment it is easiest for me to remember to be thankful. So I talk to God. It goes something like this:

Dear God, thank you for X.


Dear God, thank you for letting me be alive to see X.

See? The actual thankfulness is the easy part. Remembering is hard, but find those moments and work it in. Eventually you find smaller and smaller things to be thankful for. Today I was thankful I found a CD with classic Christmas songs on it. :)

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