Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Perfection? Nah.....

This post about the Real Homemakers Challenge is what got me started in blogging again. I love to read blogs! But my real motivation (after thinking critically as I described the other day) was trying to find others who were experiencing the same things I was. However, I mostly fell into the trap of comparing myself to how I imagined these bloggers to be, and falling short in my own mind.

In one of the blogs I was reading, a woman had given birth to her firstborn, and within ten days was a pro with her expensive sling (which her baby loved), looked fantastic, and was going out for walks with her husband and baby and taking great pictures to prove it. I felt like half a person. I had wanted to read about other women slowly pulling their new life together, but now I felt like I was half a mom. Or half a wife. Or worse, just half a person, which would make me a quarter the wife and mom I needed to be.

Luckily, I told my fears to my sister in law. We've been friends for a long time, and she has been really involved with our family during this time. I groaned, "Why couldn't I even get out of the house for the first month?" She laughed and reminded me that the delivery wasn't exactly textbook and perfect, and I had an allergic reaction to the pain meds which lasted about a month. Oh, yeah. In comparing myself to others, I had forgotten what my life was actually like. Luckily, I stumbled upon the Real Homemakers Challenge entry about Comparison. I still occasionally feel a twinge of jealousy for others and disgust for myself, but I know that if I share what my life is like, then perhaps others will realize that not everyone is perfect. Or pretends to be. :)


  1. Girl, I wanna come give ya a hug! I think there are so many out there like us that need realness. A little dose of imperfection on the net. ESPECIALLY among Christian wives & mom's! I am humbled that God would use anything I do to help someone else & bring honor to Him 'Cause you know, I'm one messed up Chicka! ;o)

    1. I love hugs, and I don't do being fake very well. Occasionally I'll try, but it's so exhausting! Realness helps me and hopefully others. :)
