Thursday, December 6, 2012

25 Day of Thankfulness: Day 6. It's The Little Things!

image via dospaz on Flickr
Today I am thankful for little things, literally. Being thankful for objects you own is just fine, as either someone gave it to you, or you were able to but it, and both show the grace of God. When I woke up, my son's Gentle Giraffe was staring at me. (I love this thing!) I had to smile. It was a gift that brought with it so many blessings.

A friend recommended to us that we get a Sleep Sheep. They showed us the one they had for their son. It was a blessing to discuss children with them for so many reasons. They had had miscarriages and so had we. They had a son, and now we were too. They were loaning us a ton of baby gear to ease our financial burden, and it's always nice to know you have friends to back you up. So we registered of a similar product, and another friend bought it for us. So now another friend is involved in our blessing. And our son loves it. :) We use it every day.

I am thankful for many things when I see this little stuffed giraffe. Friends, advice, the birth of our son. Usually things that truly bless us get used a great deal. So when you are using or looking at some small object, take a moment to be thankful for all the blessings it implies.

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