Monday, December 17, 2012

25 Days of Thankfulness: Day 17. Competition!

image via vastateparksstaff on Flickr
Here is a somewhat novel competition. Grab your family, perhaps around the table at a meal. Or a willing friend or loved one. Take turns saying one thing you are thankful for. You cannot repeat what has already been said. Fun, yes? It may be entertaining at a family/holiday get together.

I'm hoping it helps you dig deeper for what you are thankful for. It should quickly go past what you normally hear and venture into the realm of the personal and thought provoking. I would say you can suggest things if people get stuck.

You can declare a time limit of, oh, say, 30 seconds. If someone gets truly stuck you can declare the game over. However, it shouldn't end on a negative note, and that person doesn't 'lose.' Instead, they get a hug from everyone so that they have that small thing to be thankful for and then you move on to other things. I think it could be fun for you and an easy way to be thankful in a social setting.

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