Sunday, December 9, 2012

25 Days of Thankfulness: Day 9. 525600 Minutes

Ok, that's a lot of minutes. :) But a minute is not too long to give thanks. So that's the idea for today - set aside a specific amount of time every day to give thanks. Make it a minute if you are intimidated by a longer stretch of time. I find it helpful to set an alarm when I want to start a habit. Right now I am starting a habit of checking in with people I find it hard to keep up with. I want them to be part of my life, so I have an alarm every Saturday morning at 10am. It simply says: Check in with people. I know it is hard for me, so every week I have a reminder to do something I want to do, but is hard for me to follow up on. This way I am intentional.

That's a buzzword going around on the internet. At first I thought it hokey. How does one live intentionally? What does that even mean?! I suspected some are using it in a really vague way. But I am suggesting that you be intentional about giving thanks. Set an alarm. Set aside time. If you don't need an alarm, that's fine. Do it at the same time every day. Right when you get up. Before you go to bed. As you drive to work, or during your lunch. Doesn't matter when, and hopefully you are starting to realize it doesn't matter what you are grateful for.

Making thankfulness a habit will enrich your life! There are definitely seasons in which we tend to be more grateful like Thanksgiving (duh!) or leading up to Christmas, like I'm doing this year. But you want it to enrich your life all the time! I know I certainly need enrichment at all time. It takes about two weeks to establish a habit  so get started. Set your alarm and give thanks for one minute.

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